Master Lighting Design

Master Lighting Design
Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

Your contact person

+49 3841 753 - 5142 Inquire through E-Mail 491744028245

Master's in Architectural Lighting and Design Management

The professional part time programme is a design-based Master’s in Lighting Design offered by the Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design (Germany).

The aim of our professional master's course is to train lighting designers comprehensively. The highly regarded qualifications and skills gained through this degree, offer graduates the opportunity to work in many related fields. Students are encouraged to investigate artistic, physical and psychological aspects of lighting, using creative and autonomous methods. This is to be done while keeping both human well-being and the standards of sustainable architecture in mind.

The combination of ‘Lighting Design’ and ‘Design Management’ provides students with the creative and technical knowledge to manage lighting design projects as well as the economic and marketing aspects necessary to manage offices professionally. Students will understand market analysis tools and the strategic management approach. Design management also includes the vision of design as part of the customer value chain.

Online information event „Master Lighting Design“

The international master's programme combines studying in your own time with seminar weeks organised once every semester in Wismar, Berlin and Bangkok. The seminar weeks are designed around lectures, presentations, workshops and excursion to lighting manufacturers and light installations. The medium of instruction is English, ensuring that the programme remains open to all those interested from around the world.

The study programme is based on 20 years of experience in teaching Lighting design here in Wismar and has received the proof of accreditation from the German authority.

After a successful graduation students will receive the German university degree 'Master of Arts (M.A.)'. 

I will be glad to get in touch with you individually by telephone or email. You can reach me by telephone on +49 (0) 3841 / 7537-229 or by email at

Application Deadline

Next start: winter semester 2025/2026
Application deadline: 31 July 2025


Initiation session: November (online) 
First seminar week: beginning of January (participation mandatory)

The road to becoming an international student is paved with deadlines. So are most of the milestones you’ll need to pass throughout the process, such as applying for financial aid, tourist visa, the language exam and others.

It is a common fact that, if you want to enrol in an American university, you should begin documenting for your application two years before you actually apply. In other countries and Europe, you can begin the process one year before submitting the documents.

Accelerated WINGS application process:
However, for the professional Master´s programme in Lighting Design at Wismar University we are offering a much faster application process (within one month) and in addition a late application opportunity as long as the admission for our courses is still possible.

Don´t miss the chance and start your studies this year !

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do students choose to come to Wismar?
Wismar University is the only university in the world which is offering the combination of Architectural Lighting and Design Management in one Master´s programme! This course is designed for professionals who are working in the field of lighting* and want to gain more academic knowledge in field of lighting design and design management. The chance to study Lighting Design in English also appeals to many as it is a widely spoken language and the classes allow students from across the world to take part easily.

* a plurality of positions are associated with the lighting field

What is the course structure?
The programmes consist of 5 semesters study. Course participants will meet once a semester for one week seminars in Wismar (twice), Berlin (twice) and Bangkok. During this week students will have classes, workshops as well as excursions. Between this seminar weeks, students are supported by the lecturers via online consultations.

» The master course starts each Autumn semester.

The schedule for each the workshop weeks during the two and a half year programme:
• initiation session / October - Online
• 1st seminar week / mid January - Wismar Germany (online in pandemic mode)
• 2nd seminar week/ mid July - Berlin Germany (online in pandemic mode)
• 3rd seminar week / mid February - Bangkok Thailand (online in pandemic mode)
• 4th seminar week / mid July - Berlin Germany (online in pandemic mode)
• 5th seminar week presentation master-thesis/ mid January - Wismar Germany
(online in pandemic mode)

What kinds of Excursions will I be able to take part in?
Excursions vary each semester and location. In the past we started in Wismar with Kunstmuseum Ahrendhoop and workshops in the Lightlab of Wismar University. In Berlin we were visiting the TU Berlin Chair of Lighting Technology, burial chapel at Dorotheenstädtischer cemetery with light installation by James Turrell. In Bangkok we visited Wat Mahathat Ayutthaya. In addition tot hat students visit many manufacturers at each the locations.

What Possibilities are available for Scholarships?
There are currently no scholarships available for part-time study. Students cannot apply for a DAAD scholarship if they are studying in a distance learning course. Most students pay the fee themselves or have their company pay for it.

What are the semester dates?
The course starts each in winter semester only. Winter semester dates are 01.09. – 28.02. and summer semester – 01.03.-31.08. The timetables for each semester are published at the beginning of each semester. As a rule, weekly online consultations take place, usually on Mondays from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

How much is tuition fee?
The tuition fee is 3900€ each semester (19.500 € for 5 semester course). This fee includes room and board during the seminar weeks as well as study materials. NOT included are the individual travel expenses.

Which language is important for this studies?
Architectural Lighting and Design Management is taught only in English so there is no need to communicate German. Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL Test with 80 points or IELTS with 6.0 or similar) is needed or you can confirm  our English knowledge as the following:
• you are English native speaker
• your first studies was taught in English or
• your business language is English.

Are there many international students registered in the programme?
85% of Architectural Lighting and Design Management students are from abroad and come from all over the world. Many international students with different backgrounds such as Architecture, Product Design, Engineering and  International Business Management with more then one year of work experience.

» Application deadline is extended untin 30 September 2023

How do I apply for a position in the course?
To apply for the Master Degree course Architectural Lighting Design please send your pre check documents to

This message should include the following documents (pdf files only accepted):
• CV
• A copy of your Bachelor degree and transcript (if you already have a Master´s degree please this degree as well)
• A portfolio of you professional work experience (this document can be submitted within the next two weeks, if you do not have it finished yet).
• A confirmation of work experience (from your company or freelance work experience or if your run your own business please hand in a copy of your registration certified from a notary).
• Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL Test with 80 points or IELTS with 6.0 or similar) or
proofing your English knowledge by handing in one oft he following :
• you are English native speaker
• your first studies was taught in English or
• your business language is English (confirmed by your company).
• An essay outlining your your interest in the programme (What are your expectations regarding the studies?What are your skills.
After a successful checking process, you are asked to hand in the certified documents via airmail/post.

What is a motivation letter?
A motivation letter is simply a written letter to the university stating why you want to study Architectural Lighting and Design Management at the Hochschule Wismar, your personal motivations and your expectations of the course and what you will get out of it. The format is similar to a cover letter that accompanies you CV when applying for a job (half a page).

What do I need to show in the portfolio?
The portfolio should demonstrate the type of work or projects you have done in the past years. These should be set as PDF files. The purpose of the portfolio is to allow the Professors to get an idea of your skills for you to show that you are capable of undertaking this degree programme.

Which documents are accepted as proof of English language?
As proof of English knowledge we do accept TOEFL-Certificate or IELTS as well as the following:
• you are English native speaker
• your first studies was taught in English or
• your business language is English (confirmed by your company).

Which visa do I need?
Students of this part-time (distance learning) master’s course only apply for a tourist visa, as they only attend individual seminar weeks each semester (no longer than 11 days.)

How the students are accommodated during the seminar weeks?
Students live in hotels in the city center and all have single rooms.

Will I be enrolled as a regular student even if I am a part-time student?
Yes, you are studying and registered here at Wismar University, a state university in Germany.

What is my degree certificate about?
If you successfully graduate this master´s course, you will graduate with a Master´s of Arts (M.A.) with 120 CP (credit points). You certificate will also show all the modules and grades as well.

Are graduates entitles the holder to do a doctorate after completing the master‘s
Yes, with this master’s degree, graduates can continue with a pdh program / doctorate. However, the University of Wismar is not entitled to a doctoral degree. If you are interested, please speak to the head of the course, Prof.  Dr. Thomas Römhild, before you apply for this degree programme.

Lichtcampus 2019

212 participants from 19 countries all over the world visited the Lichtcampus 2019 in Wismar. Hosted by the Master Degree Courses of Architectural Lighting Design of the University of Applied Sciences in Wismar, academics, professionals and representatives of the industry met to light up the medieval city.

Impressions of Lichtcampus 2019 - Video


Impressions of Lichtcampus 2019 - Gallery

Accreditation of the Master Lighting Design

The part time program 'Master Lighting Design - Architectural Lighting and Design Management' - was successfully accredited by the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA) in December 2014. A committee of external experts inspected the Master's program running since 2012. The committee consisted of representatives of other universities (two professors in the field of lighting design) and additional lighting design experts. During the on-site inspection the course leader Prof. Dr. Römhild, some members of the international lecturer team and a number of current students of the program were interviewed to evaluate the curriculum, and the teaching methods. Furthermore the study organization and all teaching materials were checked and discussed. The program offers a unique combination of Lighting Design and Management modules. The Master´s degree enables all graduates to do the PhD.

zfU Zulassung

In addition, the master Professional Studies Lighting Design- Architectural Lighting and Design Management is approved by the State Centre for Distance Learning (ZFU) (168 816 approval no.).

Master Lighting Design Course Specialisation

New specialisation and new curriculum

The specialisation “Heritage Lighting” will offer students the possibility to delve deeper into issues like lighting for heritage sites and buildings, lighting for protected sites, conservation, techniques and strategies for such sites and so on. Students will get the opportunity to opt for this specialisation from the 3rd Semester onwards and culminating in a Master's thesis on heritage lighting.

This specialisation is part of a long term plan to introduce similar specialisations in various field of lighting like “light and health”, “daylight”, “Hospitality and retail lighting” etc. We will keep you all posted on further such developments.

We have also taken this opportunity to further develop and extend the curriculum. Starting from September after a successful completion of the Master's program (taught in English) the students will be offered 120 ECTS Credit points, making this Master’s on par with on-campus Master's program here in the University of Wismar. If you would like to get more information about curriculum details please contact Mr. Robert Friedrich






Organization of the Lighting Design Program

The international Master's program comprises of focussed lectures in Wismar, Berlin and Bangkok. The lectures are taught in English, ensuring that the program remains open to all who are interested from around the world. The course incorporates valuable lessons learned from the Wismar-based program which has developed into a highly sought after course of study with an established faculty. Students consistently evaluate the study program positively. Additional influence was brought by the expertise of the WINGS Company, which currently educates more than 5,000 online and professional part time students for example from the USA. The course was developed on the basis of experience, which was gained from classes, training programs and courses offered both domestically and abroad.

The content of the curriculum was devised from the training concept put forth by the European Lighting Designers Association, ELDA (now PLDA). After discussions with lighting designers and luminaire manufacturers, the content was extended and completed. We were actively encouraged by the professionals to start this part time program in winter semester 2012/13.

Dates - Architectural Lighting and Design Management

We are aware of the fact that many of you have to plan your free days for the seminar weeks in advance. Therefore we would like to announce the dates for the upcomming workshop weeks for programme Architectural Lighting and Design Management.

Introduction session: November 2024 (online)
Workshop week 1:  beginning of January 2025
Workshop week 2:  mid July 2025 in Berlin
Workshop week 3:  mid February 2026 in Bangkok
Workshop week 4:  mid July 2026 in Berlin (meeting the first semester)
Workshop week 5:  beginning of January 2027 in Wismar

You are interested in joining a lecture in one of these cities and meet our professors or famous guest lecturers? You are more then welcome! Please let us know and you can listen to a speech you like.

Course Schedule of the Semester Program

Students with varied International Background

The University of Wismar has a long tradition in teaching Lighting Design. The combination of Lighting Design and Management is unique in professional studies and it will provide you with creative and technical knowledge to manage lighting design projects as well as economic and marketing aspects which are necessary to manage offices professionally. The latest course, beginning in September 2017, started with 24 students from 11 different countries around the world.

Admission Requirement for the Master Programme Lighting Design

The professional Master in Architectural Lighting and Design Management is a further education programme. To be admitted into our programme you need to meet the following requirements:

First academic degree (Bachelor, Master or Diploma - min. 180 ECTS-Credits) in:

  • Art and design study programmes like Architecture, Interior Architecture, Design or Theater Studies*
  • Engineering study programmes like Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Computer Science**
  • Business study programmes like Business Economics, Business Informatics or Economic Law**

In addition you please hand in:

  • Portofilio of work experience in related fields
  • Proof of English proficiency

*    At least one year of professional work experience within the related field.
**  At least two years of professional work experience within the related field.

Exception: If the first academic degree is not related to the field of study, the approval to study can only be given with proof of professional work experience. Please contact us to discuss the admission requirements related to your personal situation in detail.

Application Process for the Master Lighting Design

The application consists of two steps. The first step is to check the most important documents, if an application could be possible. These documents can be handed in by email. In a second step you will be asked to hand in more detailed information by airmail, this means the documents should be certified/notarized.

Documents for the pre check (as .pdf file and by email, max 2MB):

  • CV
  • University degree and transcript (if you already hold a master´s degree we need the Bachelor´s degree as well)
  • portfolio of professional work experience (if you do not have a portfolio yet, you can prepare it and submit this after checking you university degree) 
  • confirmation of work experience (at least one year)
  • Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL Test with 80 points or IELTS with 6.0 or similar) - similar:
    • you are a native English speaker or
    • your first degree was taught in English or
    • your business language is English.
  • for Chinese applicants only:
    Before you apply for our master’s degree, please contact the following institute APS and have your academic degree certified (Please note, this process takes minimum one month!)

Your application should contain the following documents (after pre check and handed in by airmail):

  • High school leaving certificate*
  • university degree and transcipt of records*
  • passport idetity photo (or similar, but should be a valid photo)
  • original signed course contract (please find here)
  • or online application

* in English language
* certified copy (If the original document is NOT in English or German, you will be asked to submit a certified/notarized copy of the original document as well as an official translated document that is not required for additional certification)
Please note: certified/notarized copy means to hand in a copy of the original document, which has an ORIGINAL signature and stamp of a notary or a public authority!

Expenses and Financing

The tuition fee of €4,900 (approx. $5,290) per semester includes the following services related to your part-time programme Master Lighting Design:

  • Comprehensive class materials (scripts, specialist literature) 
  • Learning platform myWINGS & study app 
  • Video lectures & live tutorials 
  • One workshop week per semester (6-10 days) in Bangkok, Berlin & Wismar including all hotel accommondations, 2 days of excursions, practical design projects, guest lectures by experts from arround the world as well as catering & unforgettable evening events
  • Access to online libraries
  • Teaching & examination costs 
  • Personal study support 
  • Master's thesis & colloquium

» All prices are final prices. Since WINGS GmbH is exempt from VAT, no sales tax is charged. You are also welcome to pay by monthly installments.

Private Financing

Our part time programme is structured to meet the needs of the working person, so that you may complete your studies and maintain professional and financial stability. The state promotes your continuing education through individual tax incentives. Depending on your individual income and your professional situation, you can claim the expenses of the part time course as tax deductible professional expenses or special expenses so that receive total or partial reimbursement. For more detailed advice, please address your tax consultant or your responsible tax office.

Financing by the Employer

Many enterprises support the continuing education of their employees by granting a leave of absence or financial support. Within the framework of individual agreements/ contracts there is the possibility to integrate your qualification aims into a personal development concept. Further sponsorship is possible for German armed forces members for example by the BFD.

Study Reports from Lighting Design Graduates

Dashak Agrawal Lighting Designer | WINGS-Fernstudium

I studied at the distance learning - Lighting design program at WINGS University from 2014 to 2016. I learnt a lot during the course of the program, not only professionally but also personally. With the best of faculty teaching us and eight years of experience in the lighting industry, I have managed to further expand my horizon about this particular field. Alongside, since we were a batch of students belonging to 15 countries, the exposure and interactions have only helped me garner knowledge. All like good things come to an end, so did Wismar. The course at Wismar, not only did it give me friends for life, but also honed my skills and exponentially grew my knowledge in the field of lighting design."

Dashak Agrawal from India The Love of Light

Why did you decide for the lighting design program at Wismar University?
At that time, I was specifically looking for courses in lighting design and Wismar was accepting applications then. That is how Wismar happened. After a lot of research about various universities and programs, I concluded that Wismar was:

  • Offering classes by highly qualified lighting professionals
  • Offered on the job training
  • Offered a comprehensive course entailing practical knowledge and textbook knowledge.

What did you like about the Master´s course in particular?
During my research, what attracted me to Wismar University in particular was the course structure. I loved how the course was spread out over the course of two years. I was particularly happy to know that the course had taken into consideration how different locations make a difference and thus conducted classes in Germany and Thailand.

What did change for you after your graduation?
I found a totally new perspective to the world of light and my thought process in my practice changes. Being a very new profession in India, the program gave me an edge and confidence to work in the field.


Villa 403 - Is a residential project done by us in Hyderabad, India

We were invited by the Architect - MORIQ Interiors and Design Consultants - to work on this amazing home for a family of 3 generations. The line of thought/concept was very clear . To work and express through light the different forms of architecture and finishes of the home. At any point the home would convert to a big social gathering or a very quiet private space. Light was given importance to work on and freedom of expression was ensured.

Jewellery Store- Is a premium Jewellery Boutique project, Hyderabad India

The owners of the jewellery store have been dealing in antique gold jewellery, high-end diamonds and exquisite Kundan jewellery (a traditional form of Indian gemstone jewellery) since 1920. The colour palette included in the interiors already had reds and beiges. Hence, from a lighting perspective, we wanted to emphasize on yellow to golden colours, which can bring out the richness of the jewellery. The awe-inducing touch to the ceiling comes in the form of three 18th-century antique chandeliers. These crystal chandeliers, owned by the owners and passed on from their ancestors, are undoubtedly the highlight of the entire showroom. The mythological reference, which also became the primary inspiration for the design, is Hindu Lord Shiva’s mount — Nandi. The revered Nandi, also symbolic of happiness, joy and satisfaction, is captured in cut-outs on the entire focal wall of the showroom. The idea was to play with light and shadow for this concept. Here, Nandi is highlighted with artificial light signifying happiness and joy, leaving behind the shadow, which is associated with evil and all things negative in Indian mythology.

Lighting Designer Dashak Argawal - The Love of Light

Jensapviwat Kanlaya Lighting Designer | WINGS-Fernstudium

I was looking for a specialty to complete my skill set of being an interior designer and always find that lighting is one of the most important factors in making a unique design. I started researching on what courses are available out there and found this course. The course provided me with deep knowledge and understanding about lighting design through learning in classroom with exceptional professors and excursions. Moreover, design management has provided me with useful lessons that I can further apply to my own business while exposure to classmates from 14 different countries around the world which bring different ideas and perspective to the table have broaden my view and experiences. Another important feature why I chose this course is its flexibility as I was able to work and study Master's degree at the same time. I was able to continue my career life and at the same time gain more knowledge, experience and confidence. I’m satisfied with the study concept and I have trained myself to have more discipline during self-direct study. With aforementioned benefits that I have gained from this course, I would like to recommend this course to those who is interested in lighting design."

Kanlaya Jensapviwat from Thailand

Request Information

Here you can request further information regarding the Master Programme Lighting Design at the Wismar University.

Please, fill out the contact form. We will  send information material out to you immediately.

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The data transmitted through this form is necessary for delivery purpose of the requested information material. The data will be stored by us for a period of up to 18 months on the basis of Art. 6 Abs. 1b) and 1f) DSGVO.

Right of Withdrawal and Right of Objection

You are entitled to revoke your contract declaration at any time without giving any reason and modify the Declaration of Consent granted with future effect or revoke it completely. You can exercise your Right of Withdrawal by means of a clear statement, for example by Post to: WINGS Wismar International Graduation Services GmbH, Phillip-Müller-Str. 12, 23966 Wismar; per Fax: 03841/753-7296 or per mail at You can also object to the sending of the Newsletter in the same way without giving any reason. Just send an email at

Further information on Data privacy is available here.

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